18 Benefits of Owning A Cat

Owning a cat can be an equally rewarding experience for both owner and cat. However, unless you’ve owned a cat before, many of the benefits of owning a cat aren’t readily apparent. For anyone who’s considering adopting a cat, it’s imperative to know the benefits. 

Cats offer numerous benefits, but some of them stand out above the rest.  So, read on to learn about the top 18 benefits you will get from choosing to adopt a cat.  

Cats are Wonderful Companions 

Cats, unfortunately, have a reputation for being a bit cold and snippy towards humans. This stereotype does not always hold true, though. There is even scientific evidence that proves that cats are indispensable companions. 

For the skeptics, an article from Insider covers several scientific studies that showed how cats and humans can be great companions. The results of each of the below studies are interesting, to say the least.   

  • study from Organ State University suggested that cats love human interaction. They love it even more than food (although food still came in a close second). 
  • A study by Current Biology showed that cats could become attached to humans just like dogs become attached to humans.  
  • One (small) study even suggests the bond between a cat and a human can be as strong as the bond humans share.  
  • small study from Oakland University suggests that cats may be able to learn and understand your feelings based on your facial expressions.  Your mood may even influence the mood of your cat. 

Having a companion like this is what humans thrive off of.  We are happier when we have someone to share moments and memories with, whether or not the one we share those moments with is a human or an animal.  It is amazing how much better we can feel when there is a loving animal nearby. 

So, if you are looking for a new buddy, get a cat.  You will not regret it! 

Cats are Natural Born Exercise Buddies 

Cats are also fun to have around for your workouts, and there many ways to work them into your daily routine. 

The best way to incorporate cats into the workout is to lift them as a weight.   

You can try the below workout moves with your cat:  

  • Wall Sit Torso Twist– Sit on the wall with your legs at a 90-degree angle, do a torso twist while holding your cat in front of you.  
  • Standing Torso Twist- Holding your cat, twist at your hips side to side while tightening your stomach. 
  • Medicine Ball Twist- Sit on the ground with your legs raised.  Then, while holding your cat twist your core from side to side. 
  • Press-ups- Laying on your back, lift your legs to a 90-degree angle in the air. Holding your cat, use your core to push your them up towards your feet. 
  • Torso Raises- Hold your cat in your hands, and starting at the pelvis, raise your arms until they are almost straight above your head.  Then lower your arms back down to the starting position.  
  • Push-Ups- If your cat lays under you when you do push-ups, use them as a marker to tell when you have gone down far enough. 
  • Back Press- Hold your cat behind your head, then push them up above your head, and return to the starting position. 
  • Front Press- You will use the same motion as the back press. The difference is that it should be done at the front of your body as opposed to the back.  

For all these exercises, keep both your hands on the cat for safety reasons.  

Watch this YouTube video to get a visual demonstration of these workouts. It is important to watch the video before doing these exercises so that you know exactly how to do them.  

Note: Talk to your physician before working out. Also, talk to your cat’s veterinarian to make sure that incorporating your cat into your workouts is safe for the cat.  

Not Every Cat Is a Good Exercise Buddy 

If your cat seems agitated, then let them do their own thing.  Agitation could be indicated by things such as squirming, biting, hissing, and clawing. 

Above all else, you want to make sure that your cat is comfortable.   

If your cat is into joining you, then they will be calm and let you do what you want. But be careful- they will probably have tons of fun and want to be your makeshift weight whenever you work out. 

Cats are Great Yoga Partners 

If you practice yoga, you can also incorporate your cat into that routine.  

Cats do stretches that are very similar to those of yoga. So, the next time you lay down your yoga mat, invite your cat to join you. 

You might be surprised to find out that there are cat yoga events. Some animal shelters even offer events for those who don’t yet own a cat. People come together and practice yoga with cats around them. Some of the cats may join in, while others stand off to the side and observe.  

It is a fun experience for both the people and the cats. 

Cats Can Help You Make Friends 

When you move somewhere new, it can be hard to meet people. Luckily, having a cat can make it easier to make new friends. There is just something about animals that seems to bring people from all walks of life together. 

Most people love animals, and when they find out that you own a cat, you will immediately have something to talk about with them! Those little chats can end up blossoming into lifelong friendships. 

The same is true for kids. When a child owns a cat or any other pet, they become more relatable to the other kids in their peer group. This can make it easier for kids to make friends. 

Cats Can Help You Find Companionship 

For the single guys looking for girls out there, listen up! 

Researchers found that men with pets are more attractive to women. Furthermore, they found that cats, in particular, make women see men as kinder and more warm-hearted. Having a cat shows responsibility and indicates that you could possibly be a caring father in the future.  

Having a Cat Teaches Kids to Be Responsible 

Cats not only benefit you; they help to shape your children. Children who grow up with cats in their household learn how to be responsible. 

Once they are old enough, you can have your children help out with the cat’s care.  Starting with simple things is best.  For example, ask them to help you feed the cat and give it water.  You could also ask them to accompany you as you take the cat to the veterinarian.  As they get older, they can do more complicated tasks such as cleaning out the litter box. 

Having a cat will also teach them how to be responsible when it comes to relationships with others.  From having a cat, your kids will learn valuable lessons such as keeping their hands to themselves and giving others space. 

Cats May Help Autistic Kids  

Studies have shown that, for children with autism, having a pet may help them socially.  The University of Missouri found that autistic kids were more likely to: 

  • Introduce themselves 
  • Ask questions 
  • Respond to questions  

These benefits are especially prevalent when the questions are about the child’s animal. 

Autism Parent Magazine notes that some parents of kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may have trouble with a dog, so they recommend getting a cat instead.  They note that having a cat brings many useful benefits, such as: 

  • Helping to teach empathy and compassion
  • Relieving anxiety
  • Fostering connections
  • Suppressing autism symptoms
  • Giving kids with ASD more confidence 

So, as you can see, having a cat can be super helpful for a child with autism.  It could be what helps them step forward with more and more confidence each day.  

Cats Make You Healthier 

Cats have been shown to make you healthier, both mentally and physically.  After reading about what loveable companions they are, this is probably not very surprising. 

Cats Make You Happy 

Having a companion that is by your side most of the time is beneficial for your mental wellbeing. As a result, this companionship that your cat will bring will make you happier overall. 

Having a cat is especially great for those who are socially isolated, have an illness, etc.  Going through situations such as these can leave people feeling isolated, depressed, and hopeless.  But having a cat can be a major remedy.   

A cat can help people take their minds off these types of situations.  Whether they are playing with the cat, snuggling with them, or just taking care of their everyday needs, these activities will take their mind off the situation they are presently in.  Those moments of happiness where the worries of the world go away can literally be a lifesaver. 

Cats Relieve Stress 

Cats can also help us to destress, along with putting us in a positive state of mind. 

A study compared how couples who were cat owners, and those who were not cat owners, reacted to stressful situations. In the study, the participants’ heart rates and blood pressure were monitored.   

It was found that the cat owners experienced less stress both before the tests began and during the tests.  They had lower heart rates and blood pressure, saw the tasks as challenges rather than being threatened by them, and even made fewer errors during the challenges. 

This shows us how cats can help us get into a less stressed, calmer state of mind.  This would be especially helpful for those that have a more stressful life.  Whether you are a single mother working hard for your kids, or the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, having a cat at home can help you destress before, after, or during a long day.   

Cats Can Help Your Physical Health Too 

So, before I go into how cats help your physical health, you should know that this research is correlational.  That is, there is no overwhelming scientific proof that cats improve your physical health.  It could just be that cat owners are healthy in general.   

However, in a Healthline study, where 4000 people were followed for 13 years, favorable health consequences were observed. This study showed that people who had owned cats had a lower risk of dying from a heart attack, as opposed to those who never owned a cat.  The benefits were even seen in those who had previously owned a cat but no longer had one. 

Studies also show that a cat’s purring is therapeutic for human bones and muscles.  Cats purr at a frequency of 18-35 HZ.  This sound frequency may help with issues such as joint mobility post-surgery and healing of infections and swelling.  There is also evidence of purring healing injuries of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. 

Cats Can Help to Increase Bone Strength  

When you own a cat, you will probably be spending a lot more time outside. There are so many things you and your cat can do out there together, ranging from playing with their favorite toy to just lounging in the backyard.   

This extra time outside will bring about an enormous benefit.  The sun is a natural source of Vitamin D, which helps to keep your bones healthy.  Since you will be spending more time outside with your cat, you will be getting more vitamin D. 

Just make sure that you and your cat do not stay out there too long.  Despite the vitamins the sun gives, the rays it gives off will eventually cause harm. 

For you, too much sun will result in a sunburn.  If this happens too many times, it can lead to other issues such as melanoma later. To be safe, wear sunscreen and stay out of the sun at the most intense parts of the day. 

Cats can get solar dermatitis from too much sun time.  Solar dermatitis can lead to skin cancer. To prevent this, make sure your cat is not outside during the most sun-intense parts of the day.  For the cats that sunbathe on the windowsill, you could also put a UV-blocking film on the windows.  Never use sunscreen on a cat, even pet-friendly ones, as they are toxic for them. 

Cats May Detect Illnesses 

There are not enough studies to definitively say that cats have the ability to detect diseases. However, based on the experiences of some cat owners, there may be something to it. 

Cats have a much stronger sense of smell than humans.  As a result, they may be able to smell chemical changes in someone’s body.  They are also highly perceptive and can tell when your behavior pattern changes- this includes physical and psychological changes. 

If this feline superpower turns out to be real, it could be a game-changer in early disease prevention. 

Cats Help You Sleep Better 

Better sleep is another benefit that you could get from owning a cat. 

Goodnet notes several studies from the UK and a study from the Mayo Clinic that have shown this.   

According to the UK studies, people were found to prefer sleeping with their cat over their partner.  They even noted that some slept better with a cat than with a human.   

The Mayo Clinic showed similar results, with an exception.  They recommended having your pet in your bedroom, but not on the bed itself.  While having a cat in the bedroom can bring comfort, having them on the bed can cause sleep disturbances. 

Kids Who Grow Up with Cats Have Fewer Allergies 

Cats can prevent allergies.  But you should know that this benefit is only seen in young children.   

A study, conducted by the National Institute of Health followed 474 children from birth to the age of six or seven.  After adjusting for factors such as parental smoking, the researchers found that “Children exposed to two or more cats or dogs during the first year of life were on average 66 to 77 percent less likely to have an allergic reaction to common allergens as compared with children exposed to only one or no pets during their first year.”  

One interesting fact about this is that having an animal protected the children from several different allergens, not just the allergens from the animal itself.  The allergens that animals may protect your kids from include: 

  • Dust mites
  • Ragweed
  • Grass 

It is believed that bacteria carried by pets may be what causes this suppression of an allergic response from the immune system.  Molecules released by the bacteria are thought to shift the “immune system away from responding to allergens.”     

This is an outstanding benefit of having cats in the house with your children. No one likes having allergies, so why not take steps to avoid them. 

Cats are Low Maintenance 

Another major benefit that you get from cat ownership is that they are low maintenance, notably in three major areas when compared to dogs. 

Less Grooming 

Dogs require lots of grooming.  They run around, get dirty, and do not clean themselves off.  As a result, you will find that you are dedicating lots of time to cleaning them. 

So, the biggest benefit when it comes to the low maintenance needs of cats is the fact that they do not need very much grooming! 

According to Petfinder, “cats are the epitome of cleanliness.” They spend a portion of the day cleaning themselves. They lick their paws to moisten them and then use them as a washcloth.  They can also remove dirt with their teeth and much more.  As a result, you can be a bit hands-off when it comes to grooming. 

Moreover, since you won’t be spending a ton of time grooming your cat, you will have more time to do other activities.  For example, it can open up more playtime for you and your cat! If you have kids, you will have more time to dedicate to them.  You will also have more time to dedicate to work during the day, which means you can have a more restful night. 

You should not avoid grooming your cat altogether. Remember to occasionally groom them in order to keep them in good health. 

Less Attention 

Dogs will beg you to go for a walk. They will put their head between your legs at the dining table in hopes of getting some food; they will do pretty much anything to get your undivided attention. 

Now, don’t get me wrong, some people love this.  Many people enjoy showering dogs with the attention that they want. But this is not ideal for everyone, especially those who live a more relaxed, chilled out lifestyle. 

If the latter describes you, then a cat is the way to go.  Cats are uber independent and do not require that much attention.  They are perfectly ok with just chilling in the window, climbing on furniture, and tossing their toy between their paws. 

They still like to play with their owners, though.  When they are up for it, they love playing with their toys and spending time with you. 

Cats are Great for Apartments and City Living 

One of the best aspects of cats is that they are great for people who live in apartments, for those who have roommates, and for those who live in big cities.  There are a number of different reasons for this: 

  • Cats are quiet.  Unlike dogs, who bark at everyone who comes to the door, cats are a lot more chill.  They will not raise the alarm at every small noise.  Because of this, they will not bother people in your apartment building.  If you have a roommate, they will not bother them either. 
  • Since cats keep to themselves, they will not get in the way of any of your roommate’s daily activities.   
  • In a big city, it can be hard for animals like dogs to find places that are a suitable restroom.  This is not an issue for cats, though, since they can just use the litter box at home. 

If you are in one of these living situations and want an animal, choose a cat.  That way, you can dote on your cat and still enjoy your life in the city. 

Cats Live Long Lives 

Another major benefit of choosing a cat is the fact that they tend to live long lives. 

Just like with people, we grow close to our pets and end up seeing them as friends.  So, when we lose our pets, it can be devastating. 

The nice thing with cats is that they can reach their late teens, and some cats even make it to their 20th birthday.  Many other animals, such as dogs, only make it to their early teens or younger. 

So, a cat is great for someone that wants a companion that will be by their side for the long haul.  

Cats Kill Pests 

Cats are known hunters.  They kill mice, birds, rats, and many other creatures.  This can be a bit of an annoyance because you may find yourself cleaning up their leftovers. 

But a cat’s hunter instincts do come in handy in some cases.  Cats like to hunt insects that get into your house. They will hunt and kill flies, moths, roaches, and any other intruders that they may see.  

Cats are the quintessential natural insect repellant. So, if you have issues with insects in your area, then owning a cat could alleviate that problem in your home.   

Cats are Better for Environment 

In today’s climate, many people are focused on keeping their household’s carbon footprint as small as possible.  If this describes you, then you should know that pets can leave a carbon footprint.   

Bigger animals, like dogs, require a lot of food.  As a result, they leave behind a sizeable carbon footprint over their lifetime.  It is guessed that their eco-footprint is the same as that of a Land Cruiser.  

So, if you want to keep your carbon footprint low, and still want a pet, then you should go for a cat. 

Cats do not eat nearly as much food as these larger animals.  As a result, their lifetime carbon footprint and effect on the environment is much smaller.  They are the eco-friendly pet choice. 

They are Less Expensive to Adopt and Own 

Cats are great for people who want a pet but are working with a limited budget.  The Pet Care Costs chart created by the ASPCA shows that the annual cost of a cat is about $1,174. 

This cost is significantly cheaper than that of dogs, which costs anywhere from about $1,471-$2,008 annually. 

The cost associated with owning a cat is low because cats: 

  • Require less food. 
  • Incur lower medical bills than other popular pets. 
  • Require fewer toys. 


Owning a cat can truly improve your everyday life.  These gorgeous little animals have many benefits that make them the perfect choice for many individuals and families. So, now that you know about all of the benefits of cat ownership, maybe now is the time to go to your local animal shelter and adopt a feline friend. 

Kim Johnston

Kim Johnston

Cat Whisperer

Disclaimer: Kim Johnston and Catarama do not intend to provide veterinary advice and the content presented on this website is for informational purposes only. The information provided should not be substituted for a professional veterinary consultation.