5 DIY Cat Infused Toys

Cats are amazing companions, and as any cat lover knows, the happiest cats are those who are provided more than just food, water, and a place to sleep. Cats require a healthy mix of affection and daily stimulation. It is important to understand that cats of any age need daily stimulation. While kittens and young adults require quite a bit of activity, even senior cats need daily exercise to maintain proper physical and emotional health.  

Inspired by some of the Gold Coast’s highest-rated catteries, where in addition to safe boarding, feline guests are treated to plenty of play, exercise, and stimulating activity, we have created a list of 5 simple Do-It-Yourself catnip infused toys that can be made right at home.  

Cat toys are a great way to get even older cats up and moving, but as any cat owner knows, cats can be pretty finicky!  It is hard to know what anyone cat will like or not like from food to toys. That’s why DIY toys are such a great solution! Through trial and error, everyone can find the right toy to please their pet. These toys are guaranteed to provide plenty of fun and stimulating activity to feline friends of all ages. 

Refillable Catnip Sock Toy 

Catnip toys are fun for many cats, but over time, the herb loses potency, so having a toy that is easy to refill with fresh catnip is easy and convenient. The great thing about this refillable toy is that it requires very little skill. All it takes is a small, clean sock – small child or baby-sized is ideal, a small piece of yarn, and some catnip. 

 Required supplies: 

  • Small child’s sock 
  • String of yarn 
  • Catnip 

 Simply place a small amount of catnip into the sock, and tightly tie the sock closed with the yarn! To give the toy some shape, consider including a small ball inside as well.  

 This will help provide a little weight for tossing the toy around for kitty. The soft materials of the yarn and sock will ensure that the toy is safe for your pet. 

Catnip Infused Yarn Ball 

Another quick and easy cat toy is the catnip infused yarn ball.   

Required supplies: 

  • Polystyrene (Styrofoamball 
  • Glue 
  • Catnip 
  • Scissors
  • Yarn 

 Simply take a polystyrene ball (also known as Styrofoam), which can be purchased in various sizes at any craft store, and glue catnip around the entire ball.   

Once the glue is dry, begin wrapping yarn around the ball until the yarn surrounds the ball at least 15 to 20mm from the polystyrene center. Be sure to wrap the yarn tight, so kitty canuntie it. 

This is a great toy to get older cats moving. The catnip infused center provides the extra stimulus needed to encourage a lazier cat to get up and running, while the yarn wonhurt a senior catmore delicate teeth when she bites into it.  

Simply roll the ball near your cat so that she can smell the catnip. Between the smell and the movement, few cats can resist this simple catnip ball. 

Repurposed Plushies 

For anyone who has had young children, there are certainly some outgrown plushies lying around the house!  Plush stuffed toys are great for cats. Usually brightly colored, they capture the catinterest, and the soft material is safe for their claws and teeth. It is very simple to repurpose a stuffed toy to make it more interesting for your cat by adding a little catnip. 

 Required supplies: 

  • Used plush
  • Catnip
  • Scissors
  • Small plastic bag
  • Needle and thread 

 Simply cut a small hole in the back or bottom of the stuffed toy.  Add several small baggies of catnip throughout the toy in several places. Cats have an excellent sense of smell and will be able to smell the catnip, even through the toy and baggies. Stitch up the hole, and the childtoy is ready for its new feline owner. 

Catnip Felt Pillow 

Even those with minimal sewing skills can master the catnip felt pillow!   

 Felt is easy to find at any craft store, can be cut into a variety of shapes, and comes in many different, fun colours.   

Required Supplies: 

  • 2-pieces of felt 
  • Scissors 
  • Needle and thread 
  • Catnip
  • Crinkle material
  • Fun Notions for added interest 

Cut two pieces of felt of the same shape and size, place a bit of catnip in the center, and stitch around the entire toy to create a pillow. For those with some additional sewing skills, adding a small bell or other decor makes the toy even more fun for your feline friend. 

 For owners who want to add a little something extra, this crinkle material Amazon – crinkle material can also be placed into the felt pillow to add additional sound and texture that will stimulate your cat.  

 This works quite well for older cats who may need a little more encouragement to get moving! 

 Catnip Fishing Pole 

A fun variation of the catnip felt pillow is the catnip fishing pole! Using the same concept as the pillow we just discussed, and a simple fish-shaped pattern that can be drawn on a piece of paper for proper sizing, you will be able to create a fish on the line.  

 Required supplies: 

  • Paper & pencil or pen 
  • Scissors 
  • 2-pieces of felt 
  • Catnip 
  • Crinkle material 
  • Notions for added interest
  • Needle and thread 
  • 65-85 cm cotton clothesline
  • 40 cm dowel 
  • Glue gun 

 Use your paper pattern to cut two pieces of felt in the shape of a fish.  

 Place the catnip and optional crinkle material inside, and stitch around the outside of the pillow. For a little extra flair, a small button can be used to create a fisheye. 

 Next,  sew the fish pillow to a 65 to 85cm length of cotton clothesline, which is a bit heavier than yarn, but still safe for kitty.  

 Then, create the fishing pole using a 40cm wooden dowel. The clothesline can be attached to the dowel using a hot glue gun for smaller diameter dowels, or a small hole can be drilled in thicker dowels, with the clothesline strung through the hole and knotted to hold it in place. 

To add additional visual interest for your cat, sew or tie felt or craft store feathers onto the fish tail to give kitty a little extra stimulation.  

Note: Be sure that any feathers used for the toy are safe for animals, like these Cat safe feathers available on Amazon. 

Why Play is Important in Feline Development 

As advised by experts at several Gold Coast veterinary offices and catteries, daily play and exercise are very important for cats, especially cats who are kept exclusively indoors.   

 Experts advise that indoor cats typically live longer and healthier lives than their outdoor counterparts, but the daily play is essential for several reasons: 

  • Weight – Indoor cats do not get the same exercise level as feral or outdoor cats and can gain weight rather rapidly. Two or three daily 20-minute play sessions with an indoor cat can give them the exercise they require to maintain a healthy weight.  
  • Bonding – Cats are not the aloof and independent creatures depicted by stereotypes. Just like dogs, the happiest cats are those who bond with their owners. One of the best ways to bond with a pet cat is through daily, regular play.  
  • Teaches “hunting” skills – For indoor cats who don’t get the opportunity to hunt in nature, daily play actually teaches kittens and young cats how to act like cats! Play can help teach younger cats the important survival skills that cats need for a happy life. 

 Hopefully, this list of easy to make, fun, catnip-infused cat toys will help inspire cat owners everywhere to take a few moments out of their busy day to play and bond with their feline friends.  

 Not only is it essential to a cat’s mental and physical health, but several studies have also shown that playing with and petting cats can actually have some surprising health benefits! So remember to take time each day to bond with kitty!   

Kim Johnston

Kim Johnston

Cat Whisperer

Disclaimer: Kim Johnston and Catarama do not intend to provide veterinary advice and the content presented on this website is for informational purposes only. The information provided should not be substituted for a professional veterinary consultation.