How to Help Your Cat Lose Weight

Are you concerned about your cat’s weight? Does your furry friend seem to put on more pounds every year? Has your vet mentioned it or used words like overweight and obese when referring to your cat? It may be time to take action. Too much weight above the ideal cat’s body weight puts your cat at risk of many diseases such as arthritis and diabetes.  

Not to mention, research shows that overweight cats don’t live as long as healthy weight cats. Therefore, if your cat is putting on one too many pounds, it’s time to intervene. Weight loss is hard for everyone – human or animal. But it’s not impossible. With the right approach, your cat should be able to shed those extra pounds and start running up and down within no time. Here’s how to go about it. 

Consult Your Vet 

Before you try anything to help your cat lose weight, it’s crucial to talk to your vet. The veterinarian will assess the cat’s starting position and provide valuable insights on how to approach the weight loss journey. Not to mention, you’ll find out if your cat has any health conditions that may interfere with their progress. 

What’s more, you’ll know what kinds of activities are suitable for your furry friend if they have any health conditions. A consultation with a vet is also a good idea if you’re considering a prescription weight loss diet. The vet will prescribe a proper diet based on your cat’s health once they’ve done a complete evaluation. 

However, your vet visits shouldn’t stop after the consultation. You need to go in once in a while during the weight loss period to get your feline evaluated and find out if you’re moving in the right direction. 

Set Realistic Goals and Track Progress 

One of the tests your vet will do during your vet visit is a body condition score (BCS). The test aims to determine your furry friend’s current body weight and assess where the cat’s weight lies on the weight scale. Your vet will let you know whether your cat is overweight or obese. Furthermore, they’ll let you know what a normal and healthy weight for a cat is. 

With this information, you should be able to set realistic goals for your cat. A safe weight loss rate should lie between 1 and 2% of the cat’s current weight every week. For instance, if your cat currently weighs 20 pounds, they can lose up to 0.4 pounds every week. Therefore, ensure the weight loss goals you set are within the normal range. 

Once you have your goals in black and white, it’s crucial to track the cat’s progress. You can use an app or write down their progress in a notebook. This way, you’ll have something to refer to when it seems like you’re not making any progress. This information will also come in handy at your next vet appointment. 

Fat cat walking in the snow

Reduce the Cat’s Caloric Intake 

Calorie reduction is beneficial in a cat’s weight loss journey, just like it is for people. For your feline to lose weight, they need to be eating less than they currently are. There’s a common misconception that cats have more restraint than dogs and can have a bowl out at all times and not overeat. This couldn’t be further from the truth.  

If your cat always has a bowl full of food within reach, they’ll eat even when they’re not hungry. As a result, they’ll gradually gain weight until it’s problematic. When you’re trying to help your cat lose weight, it’s essential to determine how much food they’re currently eating. How big a scoop do you feed your cat? 

Monitor how much food you give and take note of it. Give your vet this information so that they can determine how many calories your cat is on and how much you need to reduce it. Consulting a vet is crucial for a healthy weight loss journey. If you DIY the process, there’s a risk of rapid or unsafe weight loss. 

Switch to a Canned Diet 

A canned diet will also go a long way in helping your feline shed the extra pounds. You see, canned food has a lot of water. As a result, your furry friend will feel fuller faster than if they were eating the same amount of dry food. Therefore, it’s an excellent way to cut your cat’s caloric intake.  

Besides, because the cat will be eating the same amount of food, they’ll feel full and are less likely to beg for treats. Some of the best canned foods for cats include: 

Switch to Diet Food 

A cat that’s only slightly overweight may lose the extra pounds by simply eating less than they currently do. It’s not as easy with obese cats. Cats that have put on a lot of weight may need to be on a diet designed for weight loss to see results. Not to mention, it will be easier for you because you won’t have to calculate calories or measure the cat’s food. 

Prescription diets are formulated to be low-calorie but still providing the nutrients your cat needs. The food is rich in fiber and nutrient complete. However, it’s not advisable to buy these diets and start feeding your cat. It’s best to consult your vet when you’re thinking of getting your cat on a prescription diet. 

The vet will prescribe the best diet based on your cat’s health and weight loss goals. When you get the prescription, don’t switch the cat’s diet instantly. It’s advisable to switch from their previous diet to the prescribed one gradually.  

Stop the Treats 

Cats, just like dogs, love treats. Treats are delicious, and they break the monotony of having the same food repeatedly. But if your cat is on a weight loss diet, it’s best to nix those treats. Instead of rewarding your cat with treats, replace the treats with playtime. Cats love playing with their owner, and if the game is fun, they’ll forget they needed the treat. 

You should also avoid feeding the cat your own food. When your cat has a normal weight, you can get away with giving them some bacon here and there. This doesn’t help when you want your cat to lose weight because doing so will only increase their calorie intake. 

Increase the Feline’s Physical Activity 

While diet is the most important part of your cat’s weight loss journey, physical activity is equally important. Physical activity not only increases your feline’s resting metabolic rate but also helps build muscle. Therefore, you need to come up with creative ways to encourage your cat to play and move around the house. 

One of the best ways to encourage your cat to play is by introducing as many toys as possible. Cats love to play with new things; they won’t resist a shiny new toy. Toys also come in handy when you don’t have time to play with your cat. Consider the following options. 

Incorporate Physical Activity into Feeding Time 

Overweight and obese cats tend to be lazy. You’ll notice that the cat eats their food in one spot and goes right to sleep after. It’s this kind of behavior that encourages weight gain in a cat. If you want your cat to lose weight, you’ll have to be a bit creative with their mealtimes. There are several ways you can get your cat to be a bit more active during feeding time. 

For starters, you can switch up their feeding spots for every meal. This way, your cat has to move around the house to figure out where their food is. This movement will contribute to their daily physical activity and promote weight loss. Besides, the hunt will be a lot of fun for your cat because they know they get some food at the end. 

You should also consider using a feeding ball – a toy that combines playtime with mealtime. Your cat will have to move the ball around to access the food, which may involve a bit of running. As a result, they get some physical activity while enjoying their food. 

Nip Grazing in the Bud 

Grazing is common in cats than dogs. Cats can graze on dry food all day. This behavior promotes weight gain because the cat may be eating even when they are not hungry. As a result, they pile up on the calories, and their weight shoots up. If you’ve noticed this behavior in your cat, it may be time to take action. 

You can do so by reducing the amount of time you leave food out for your cat. For instance, if you leave your feline’s food out all day, it may be best to leave their food in place for only an hour whether or not they’ve touched it. This discourages your cat from grazing and informs them that they should eat up when it’s mealtime. 

Source: Gallant 

Create a Cat-Friendly Workout Routine 

When it comes to exercise, cats and dogs are not the same. While your dog won’t have any trouble walking for hours, a cat thrives in small bursts of aerobic exercise. Therefore, when planning your furry friend’s workout routine, you need to keep this in mind. 

Instead of playing with your cut for up to an hour, consider having mini play sessions multiple times a day. This way, your cat will get all the physical activity they need for the day without tiring too fast. Besides, you won’t be pushing your cat to their limit with this approach. 

Get Involved in Playtime 

If you want to help your cat lose weight, you can’t leave your furry friend with their toys and hope they play enough. You have to be intentional about the weight loss process. For the best results, you need to create time to play with your cat. 

To make playtime interesting, you’ll need to incorporate a few fun toys. Some excellent options include laser pointers, feathers, and anything that squeaks – cats love those. You can play with your cat while you watch TV, read, or even while eating. This way, you don’t have to take any time off your schedule.  

Play with the cat for at least 10 minutes for each session. Also, make sure you switch up the toys for every session because the cat may get bored with one toy. 

Increase Your Cat’s Hydration 

Hydration is crucial when you want your cat to lose weight. Water makes your feline feel full for a longer time, thereby reducing their need to snack. You can give your cat some water after a meal or before. Both approaches keep your furry friend full. As a result, they’re more likely to eat smaller portions on their next meal. 

Water is also a great replacement for playtime when your cat is bored and doesn’t want to play. When you give them water, it reduces their urge to snack on treats or grazes around their bowl. 

Source: The Honest Kitchen 

Get You Feline on L-Carnitine Supplements 

Studies have shown that cats on a weight loss journey benefit a lot from L-Carnitine supplements. These supplements are known to increase the cats’ metabolism, thereby supporting weight loss. However, while these supplements are sold over the counter, it’s not advisable to get your cat on the supplements without consulting a vet.  

Your vet will evaluate your cat’s condition and decide whether they should be on the supplements or not. They’ll also inform you of possible side effects and how to handle them if they occur. Besides, you’ll know the best supplement to get for your furry friend because there are a plethora of options to choose from on the market. 

Source: The Journal of Nutrition 

Resist the Cute Begging Eyes 

When your cat is bored, they may eat unnecessarily. And if you don’t have their bowl out, the only way they can beat the cravings is to beg you for some treats or food. They’ll play with your legs and give you those hard-to-resist eyes just to get you to give them what they need. 

When this happens, distract your cat with something else. You can play or give them some water to fill up their stomach until it’s mealtime again. Alternatively, you can pick your furry friend up and pet them. Do anything you can to distract your cat, but don’t break the feeding schedule. It will only halt their progress or make things worse. 

Consider Taking a Walk 

Yes, you read that right. While it may sound a bit bizarre to walk a cat, some felines love walking outside because they get to see what’s going on out there and play. However, because you’ll need to have your cat on a leash, it may be a good idea to try the walks indoors before going outside. 

If your cat isn’t resisting the leash, it’s a sign that it won’t be much trouble walking him or her in the outdoors. However, if the cat is extremely problematic when you try to put a leash on him, it may be a good idea to wait until they’re used to having the leash on. 

Avoid Self Feeders or Use them Wisely 

While automatic feeders are a convenient way to feed your cat, they‘re not the best way when you want your cat to lose some weight. A self-feeder gives your cat unlimited access to food throughout the day. Therefore, you will not control how many calories the feline is eating in a day, especially if you keep up with your current feeding routine. 

However, if you still want the convenience of using an automatic feeder, there a few things you can do to help your cat shed off those extra pounds. These include: 

  • Feed wet foods and meats twice a day; for breakfast and dinner 
  • Feed dry meals in small portions throughout the day when your cat needs to snack 
  • Feed the right amount of food depending on your cat’s activity level 
  • Get a smart feeder: Most of them are equipped with technology that estimates how much calories the feline should be on and notifies you when you’re feeding your cat too much food 
  • Follow your vet’s recommendations even when using an automatic feeder 

Source: PetNet 

The Best Approach for Individuals with More than One Cat 

Helping one cat to lose weight is already hard enough. If you have multiple cats and some are in the normal weight range, it can be challenging to create a system that works. Do you keep them on the same feeding regimen? Is it best to feed them at different times? And how exactly do you ensure the other cats don’t get in the way of the overweight cat’s progress? The following tips will come in handy. 

Feed the Cats Separately 

If you prefer feeding your cats from the same bowl, it may be time to change your tactics. If one of the cats is normal weight and the other is overweight or obese, for instance, reducing the portion size will make one cat suffer because they don’t need to be on a diet. And if you keep it the same, you’ll not have any control over how much the overweight or obese cat eats. 

Therefore, take the time to buy each of your cats their own bowls before you begin the weight loss diet. It may take some time before the cats get used to eating separately. Therefore, you need to standby and ensure each of your fur babies is eating from their bowl for the first few days. Alternatively, you can opt to feed the cats in different rooms. 

Feed the Cats in Different Rooms 

If you have more than one cat, the best approach would be to feed each of them in different rooms. You see, if you feed them on the same spot, you have no control of what the overweight cat eats. The feline can easily move to the other cat’s bowl and get their fill of whatever they’re having. 

To prevent this, it’s crucial to ensure each of your cats is feeding in a different area of your house. This way, there’s no risk of overeating. It may also be a good idea to take away all bowls when feeding time is over. Doing so prevents the overweight cat from grazing on the other cat’s bowl and overeating. 

Place the Normal Weight Cat’s Food Higher 

If feeding your cats in different rooms isn’t working, you should consider feeding them in the same spot but putting the normal weight cat’s food a bit higher than where you have the other cat’s food. Since your cat is overweight, they’ll have a hard time climbing up to the top. As a result, you can rest assured they’re sticking to their diet and not cheating by eating the others’ food. 

However, if you decide to go with this approach, it’s crucial to ensure there’s enough room in the higher position where you plan to feed the normal weight cat from. Cats are messy. Sudden movements can lead to a mess and make the entire process burdensome. Besides, when the food falls to the bottom, the overweight cat won’t resist eating more. 

Avoid Leaving Food Out 

It’s also crucial to ensure all types of food are locked away when you’re not in the house. When you’re away from the house, you have no control over which cat eats what. Therefore, to support your overweight cat’s weight loss journey, keep everything stacked away, and only feed them when it’s time to eat. 

If you’re away on vacation, it may be a good idea to consider Gold Coast catteries. Ensure the people running the Gold Coast cattery know about your cat’s feeding schedule and calorie information. This way, your cat will stay on track even when you’re away. 

A Gold Coast cat carer is an excellent alternative if you prefer smaller establishment. As long as the carer has all the information they need, you should rest easy knowing your fur baby is being well taken care of. 

How Long Will Your Cat Be On a Diet? 

If you’ve tried to lose weight, you know that it doesn’t happen overnight. For some people, the changes happen faster compared to others. It’s the same for cats. However, most casts lose weight within a six to eight-month period. As we mentioned, cats’ healthy weight loss is about 0.4 pounds a week or a pound every month. Some cats may lose weight faster, and others take a bit more time. 

If your cat has been on a diet for a while and you don’t see any changes, it may be time to consult your vet. You’ll find out if anything is interfering with their weight loss or if you’re the one doing something wrong. The vet may also help you create a new plan and help you track the feline’s progress for the best results. 

How Often Should You Weigh Your Cat? 

Once you’ve found out what your cat’s ideal weight should be and you’ve created a diet and physical activity program, you need to ensure you’re making progress by tracking your cat’s weight loss. It’s advisable to weigh your cat every month to see if they’re making any progress towards their weight loss goals. 

While you can do the weigh-ins at home, it may be a good idea to combine the monthly weigh-ins with your vet visits so that the vet can evaluate the cat’s progress and give suggestions on what you should do if the cat isn’t making progress. The vet will also identify any unhealthy weight loss patterns if your cat is losing too much weight than expected and give proper recommendations. 

Source: VCA 

Now Go 

Weight loss is not easy, not even for cats. Your furry friend will need a lot of help from you to shed those extra pounds and get back to a normal, healthy weight. You’ll not only need to tweak their diet and count their calories but also encourage them to play even when you really just need them to nap on your lap as you pet them. 

However, as we mentioned, before you begin implementing any of the above tips, it’s crucial to consult a veterinarian. A vet will increase your chances of success by evaluating the cat’s health and suggesting the best strategies, calorie intake, supplements, or prescription diets.  

So don’t let your fur baby add another pound on your watch. Too much weight increases his or her risk of numerous diseases. Besides, weight above the normal level lowers your cat’s life expectancy and you definitely don’t want that! 

Kim Johnston

Kim Johnston

Cat Whisperer

Disclaimer: Kim Johnston and Catarama do not intend to provide veterinary advice and the content presented on this website is for informational purposes only. The information provided should not be substituted for a professional veterinary consultation.